1. The apostolic church recognises a call in its generation to specific people groups and/or locations.
2. Understands that the unit that God works through is the gathered Body of Christ, so skillfully builds the church.
3. It's God's instrument for heralding the gospel of redemption in Christ and transformation in the Holy Spirit.
Other ministries may be content merely to see the church flourish.
To the apostolic, this is like a fire engine that never leaves the station for a blaze.
Venture 1) In 2013, our greatest number of new members came from 'friends' (4/10) and family (2/10).
How can you give time to connect with such folks?
Venture 2) Next (2/10), were contacted through our Jesus Centres.
Are you making best use of volunteering opportunities, and Jesus Centre groups with gospel slant?
Venture 3) Our MILC (Multiply International Leaders' Conference) delegates testified to the power of prayer.
By prayer they found direction, grasped opportunities, and overcame difficulties.
Kiran (India) related how he was led to go with his team to an unevangelised village and ask for the 'postman'. On arrival, the man was found to be seriously ill - in fact, unconscious. Kiran was annoyed at this seeming dead-end. Turning to leave, the man's wife asked if they could pray. Kiran hadn't got as far as 'Amen', before the man stirred and sat up. The family came to faith, and now there's a thriving church in the village.
Venture 4) They also testified to the effectiveness of releasing those with evangelism gifts in teams with complementary ministries.
This means churches keep growing after the initial burst of new-planting growth.
Daniel (Kenya) and David (Sierra Leone) engage teams with specific gifts to make initial contact with folks, follow them up, and so on.
Venture 5) Who are the people on God's heart? Churches have prayed and asked God to bring to mind contacts' names, before inviting them to events.
This builds faith that there's a specific local mission field already in His purposes.
Some of our church households have made a point of giving specific personal invitations to suitable events, rather than sticking with general publicity or vague announcements at other meetings.
Acts 18:9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city." 11 So Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God.